I am the goal, the supporter, the Lord, the witness, the abode, the refuge, the friend, the origin, the dissolution, the foundation, the substratum, and the imperishable seed.
For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends But for one who has failed to do so, his mind will be the greatest enemy.
The Supreme Lord said There is no destruction, O Arjuna, for such a yogi either here or hereafter. A transcendentalist is never put to grief (or bad state), My dear friend.
Bear with me as a father to his son, as a friend to a friend, and as a husband to his wife, O Lord.
A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, And his enemy as well.
A man's own self is his friend. A man's own self is his foe.
Today I have described the same ancient science to you, because you are my sincere devotee and friend. Karma-yoga is a supreme secret indeed.