Set thy heart upon thy work but never its reward.
The power of God is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.
I am the goal of life, the Lord and support of all, the inner witness, the abode of all. I am the only refuge, the one true friend; I am the beginning, the staying, and the end of creation; I am the womb and the eternal seed. I am heat; I give and withhold the rain. I am immortality and I am death; I am what is and what is not.
Your right is only to perform your duty. You do not have right to expect any consequences there of.You should neither be motivated by the fruits of your action, nor should they encourage you to be inactive.
The self-controlled soul, who moves amongst sense objects, free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal Peace.
Strive to still your thoughts. Make your mind one-pointed in meditation.
Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable.
What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world.
When a man dwells on the objects of sense, he creates an attraction for them; attraction develops into desire, and desire breeds anger.
One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain,and in honor and dishonor; and is ever steadfast with the Supreme Self.
No purifier equals knowledge, and in time the man of perfect discipline discovers this in his own spirit.
If you perform the sacrifice of doing your duty, you do not have to do anything else. Devoted to duty, man attains perfection.