Bhagavad Gita Nature Of Reality Quotes
Know as imperishable the one by whom everything has been manifested and pervaded. No one has power to bring about the annihilation of this unchangeable spirit.
Regarded as having a termination of existence are these fleshly garments(bodies); immutable, imperishable and limitless is the indwelling self.
He who considers the self as the slayer; he who deems that it can be slain: neither of these knows the truth. The self does not kill, nor is it killed.
This self is never born, nor does it ever perish; nor having come into existence will it again cease to be. It is birthless, eternal, changeless, ever same (unaffected by the usual process associated with time). It is not slain when the body is killed.
How can he who knows the self to be imperishable, everlastingly permanent, birthless and changeless, possibly think that the self can cause the destruction of another?
Just as an individual forsaking torn clothes dons new clothes, so the body enseized soul relinquishing decayed bodily habitations enters others that are new.
No weapon can pierce the soul, no fire can burn it; no water can moisten it; nor can any wind wither it.
The soul is uncleavable; it can not be burnt or wetted or dried. The soul is immutable all-permeating, ever calm and immovable-eternally the same.
If you imagine the soul incessantly to be born and to die, even in that case, you should not grieve for it. For that which is born must die and that which is dead must be born again, why then should one grieve about the unavoidable?
Cognizing the self as superior to the intelligence, and disciplining the self(ego) by the self(soul), annihilate the foe! Hard-to-conquer, wearing the form of desire.
The indestructible and supreme spirit is Brahman. It is undifferentiated manifestation(as Kuthasta chaitanya, as individual soul) is called Adhyatma. The AUM(cosmic Vibration or the Visarga) the cause the birth and sustenance and dissolution of beings and their various natures is termed Karma (cosmic Actions).
I'm all dissolving death; I'm birth, the origin of all that will be; among feminine manifestations(qualities of prakriti), I'm fame, success, the illumining power of speech, memory, discriminative intelligence, the grasping faculty of intuition, and the steadfastness of divine forbearance.
I'm the gambling of the practisers of fraud; I'm the radiance of the radiant; I'm the victory and the striving power; I'm the quality of Sattva among the Good.
I'm, further more whatsoever constitutes the reproductive seed of all beings. There is nothing, moving or motionless, that can abide without Me.