As in the body, the embodied self passes through childhood, youth, and old age, so is its passage into another body; the wise are not disturbed.
In this path (of Yoga action) there is no loss of unfinished efforts for realization, nor is there creation of contrary effects. Even a tiny bit of this real religion protects one from great fear (the colossal suffering inherent in the repeated cycles of birth and death).
Those who have mastered their minds become engrossed in infinite wisdom; they have no further interest in any fruits of actions. Free thus from the chain of rebirth, they attain the state beyond sorrow.
A fallen Yogi gaining entry to the world of the virtuous, remains there for many years; afterward he is reborn on earth in a Good and prosperous home. Or he may reincarnate in a family of enlightened Yogis, verily a birth like that is much harder to gain on this earth, there he recovers Yoga discrimination attained in his former existence and tries more strenuously for spiritual success. The power of former yoga practice is sufficient to force, as it were the Yogi on his onward path. an eager student of even theoretical Yoga is farther advanced than a follower of outward spiritual rites.
After many incarnations, the sage attains Me, realizing, "the Lord is all-pervading!", A man so illumined is hard to find.
Yogis not yet free from the world revolve back again(to the world) even from the high sphere of Brahma(union with God in samadhi) but on entering into Me(the transcendental spirit) there is no rebirth.