In this path (of Yoga action) there is no loss of unfinished efforts for realization, nor is there creation of contrary effects. Even a tiny bit of this real religion protects one from great fear (the colossal suffering inherent in the repeated cycles of birth and death).
In this Yoga, the inner determination is single, one-pointed; where as the reasoning of the undecided mind are un-ending and variously ramified.
When the yogi, like a tortoise withdrawing its limbs, can fully retire his senses from the objects of perception, his wisdom manifests steadiness.
One who is united to Cosmic wisdom goes beyond the effect of both virtue and Vice, even here in this life. Therefore, devote thyself to Yoga, divine union. Yoga is art of proper action.
No single-pointed resolution (no fixity of mind) in the meditative state of Samadhi grows in those who cling tenaciously to power and sense delights, and whose discriminative intelligence is led astray by the flowery declamation of spiritually ignorant. contending that there is not else than to rejoice in the laudatory aphorism of the vedas, their true nature being afflicted with earthly inclinations, having heaven (the pleasurable phenomenon of the astral world) as their highest goal, performing the numerous specific sacrificial rites for the purpose of obtaining, enjoyment and power-such persons embrace instead the cause of new births, the consequences of these (desire instigated) actions.
That which is night(of slumber) to all creatures is luminous wakefulness to the man of self-mastery. And what is wakefulness to ordinary men, that is night (a time for slumber to the divinely perceptive sage).
He is truly a Yogi who , on this earth and upto the very time of death, is able to master every impulse of desire and wrath. He is a happy man.
Only that Yogi who possesses the inner bliss, who rests on the inner foundation, who is one with the inner light, becomes one with spirit(after attaining freedom from Karma connected with the physical, astral, ideational bodies), he attains complete liberation in spirit even while living in the body.
The self-governed Yogi, he whose mind is fully under control, thus engaging his soul in ceaseless meditative union with spirit, attains the peace of my being: the final Nirvana(deliverance).
He who with proper regularity eats, relaxes, works, and remains awake will find Yoga the destroyer of suffering.
With the soul united to spirit by the Yoga, with a vision of equality for all things, the Yogi beholds his self(spirit-united) in all creatures, and all creatures in the spirit.
The best type of Yogi is he who feels for others whether in grief or pleasure, even as he feels for himself.