Guruvayurappan Temple Calendar
Here you will get all information about Guruvayurappan Temple Calendar. Which has the details of festivals held in this year with the proper date. This calendar contains the short description of events and next months calendar will be updated immediately by our team. 2018 Jan Ayilya Puja Jan 04, 2018 This Puja performed on every Ayilyam Nakshathram (Star) in every Month, to get rid of Sarpa Dosham. 23rd Pratishta Anniversary Celebrations From Jan 13, 2018 – To Jan 18, 2018 Every year during the Malayala Masam Makaram (January/February) Annual Pratishta and Dravya Kalasam performed by Thantri Acharya Ratna Dr. P.C.Dinesan Namboodiripad in the Temple, which is almost six day function and it is most significant and unique of its kind. Makara Vilakku Jan 14, 2018 This is an annual festival held on 14 January (Makara Sankranti) in Kerala, at the shrine of Sabarimala. A celestial star known as Makara Jyothi is seen every year, and Makara Vilakku seen at Ponnambala Medu. 2018 Feb Ayilya Puja Feb 01, 2018 This Puja performed on every Ayilyam Nakshathram (Star) in every Month, to get rid of Sarpa Dosham. Maha Sivarathri Feb 13, 2018 Maha Shivrathri, the night of the worship of Shiva, falls on the Krishna Chathurdasi day, on the 14th night of the new moon during the dark half in the month of Megha or sometimes in Phalguna also. Poonthanam Day Feb 21, 2018 The day of the star Aswathy in the month of Kumbam(February-March) is celebrated as the Poonthanam day in commemoration of Saint Poonthanam, a great devotee of Lord Guruvayurappan, who enriched Malayalam devotional literature with his renowned poetic composition Jnanappana(song of wisdom)a philosophical master piece of all times. Competitions will be conducted in Poonthanasarvaswom and Sreekrishnakarnamritham. Ayilya Puja Feb 28, 2018 This Puja performed on every Ayilyam Nakshathram (Star) in every Month, to get rid of Sarpa Dosham. 2018 Mar Matysavathara Dinam Mar 20, 2018 Matsya was the first incarnation of Lord Vishnu during Satya Yuga. Sri Rama Navami Mar 25, 2018 Lord Rama was born on Navami Tithi during Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. Each year this day is celebrated as birthday of Lord Rama. Lord Rama was born during Madhyahna period which is middle of Hindu day. Madhyahna which prevails for six Ghatis (approximately 2 hours and 24 minutes) is the most auspicious time to perform Rama Navami Puja rituals. The mid-point of Madhyahna marks the moment when Sri Rama was born and temples symbolize this moment as birth moment of Lord Rama. The chanting of Shri Rama and celebration reaches its peak during this time. Ayilya Puja Mar 28, 2018 This Puja performed on every Ayilyam Nakshathram (Star) in every Month, to get rid of Sarpa Dosham.